If you’re in a tough financial situation you might not exactly know what you can do to help. It can happen. You can use coupons every day to save money if you know what you’re doing. Read the article below to find ways to do it.
In order to get as many useful coupons as possible, you should not confine your searches to conventional sources alone. By expanding your coupon hunting beyond newspaper circulars to include online resources and coupon trading groups, it is likely to maximize the products for which you can receive discounts and realize the greatest amount of savings.
To get coupons for brands you particularly enjoy, all you have to do is ask. Many companies are willing to send out coupons to people who email or write to them. Simply send a letter noting how much you enjoy a product and ask if they would provide you with coupons. You will be surprised at how often they oblige!
Try using your coupons when there are buy one get one free sales at your store. Not only do you get the extra item for free, but you will get a discount on the item that you purchase for the free item. You might pay less than 1/4 of retail.
Keep all your coupons in one place. Some coupons are really small, and you don’t want to lose them. You also don’t want to have coupons all over the house. When you keep them all in one place, you can locate them when you need them without too much trouble.
A good tip when clipping out coupons is to place them in a pouch or somewhere you can easily keep track of them. This will prevent you from creating a mess and you’ll have your coupons readily available when you need them so you won’t have to dig around to find them.
Don’t rely on just one paper or website to get coupons from. Try subscribing to several sources if you can. You can even ask friends and family for their unused papers. The more sources you have in your arsenal, the more deals you have access to so that you can save money.
Find out how much your store will double coupons to a certain amount. Find out about the rules at your local store. Sometimes they only do it a certain day of the week or some stores have specials in which they double coupons up to any amount. These are the deals to look for!
Don’t clip everything. Whatever you do, avoid the trap of keeping all the coupons you can just because you “might” use them. If the coupon is for something you don’t like or can live without, forget it. Paying money for something you don’t really enjoy is not a good idea, even if you save a few bucks on it.
If you snag a truly great deal with a coupon for an item that you won’t use, donate it. Food banks will accept nearly any packaged food item. Women’s shelters can often use diapers, shampoo, and other toiletries and supplies. Research and contact local resources in your community to find out what they need, and use your couponing skills for good.
You don’t have to waste costly color ink printing coupons on your home printer. If you have an inkjet printer, you can set your preferences to print in black and white or simply remove the color cartridge. This way, everything will print in black and white. Retail establishments will still accept these non-colored coupons.
To get the most coupons possible, sign up for more than one Sunday newspaper subscription. You will receive tons of coupons this way and may even get different ones with each subscriptions. Also, ask your family and friends to save the coupons from their papers for you (if they are not using them).
Keep your coupons organized. Whether you use a coupon holder, binder or envelopes, make sure your coupons are organized and easy to find. Organize them in a way that is easiest for you to sort through. Some ideas are sorting by item type or the section of the store the item is kept in.
Whenever possible, stack your coupons to get an even better deal. Layering your coupons like this isn’t always allowed, but when it is, it can result in significant savings. For example you could combine a manufacturers coupon with the stores coupon to great the greatest savings possible for you.
Having a coupon saving plan by organizing everything. A lot of people who save money with coupons are extremely organized. Get yourself a folder and start marking down all the different coupons you have and placing them in there. Make sure you pay attention to the expiring dates so you don’t miss out on those wonderful sales!
If you have the time and the notion, become an extreme couponer. For people who have nothing better to do, this can be a great way to stock up on products. It does take time and dedication, so it’s definitely not for everyone. But give it a try, and you may find it worthwhile.
Have the coupon policy for your favorite stores on hand when you shop. If a cashier tries to go up against you about stacking coupons or the number of coupons, you are allowed to use, having the policy can help you to get out of the situation and save the money you deserve to save.
The Sunday edition of your local newspaper can be a great place to find coupons. If you have friends, family or neighbors who also get the paper but do not use the coupons, then ask them is they will save the coupons for you. This can help you get multiple copies of the same great coupon.
With the knowledge you learned here, you are ready to start saving money on all of your everyday items. Coupons can help you save and stay financially stable, more than you think!